Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Ahh life is bliss

I just love it how when there is passion and lust everything just flies out the window.
Just think about it, do you have limits? some things you will not do? but when you are in the height of passion, your mind fogs over from pure ecstasy , at that moment in that blink of a second you will do the things you normally will not?
MMMmm it makes me so warm and fuzzy inside to know I can do that to people and last night it happened to a certain someone, goodness me it has even happened to me!
I am human and what I desire and lust for I shall take ~innocent smile~

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

On my goat!

There is this "thing" that keeps annoying me, it is meant to be human and they are so full of shit it makes me sick. Daily this person messages me or calls me and it is annoying.
I put them on block and they still find a way to contact me, it is now enough and they are just pathetic and annoying, well I am a big girl I know how to flick the switch and mentally ignore them.

On a totally different subject, mark x I will discover who you are! and yes my laundry load is smaller and my bank account, welllllllllllll lets rob a bank and I will tell you afterwards.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

I am back

And I am broke, but what do you expect from a city with so many stielttos?
No really now, I am back home safe and now wish I had a maid as there is a lot of laundry to do and also some groceries.
My trip was lovely I am very relaxed though there is also a lot to complain about, but you expect that from me.
Now it is back to the grinding stone to pay the bills that have piled up over my time away and lets just hope the stress level will stay low for a while or I might have to find me a fin. slave too LOL
Chow babies, till later.