Sunday, 26 April 2009

Why is it?

When I walk into a shop the same thing happens every single time.
I can be dressed in my high heels and business suit or just casual jeans and t-shirt and the same thing happens.
Maybe it is that I stink or look so ugly people back away in fear, whenever I walk into a crowded place which is usually a shop but also cafes and busy street, people seem to step back.
I once recall being out with a friend of mine on a national holiday, the streets were crammed with people and festivities happening all around us and she was walking around most of the day with her mouth opened, then she turned to me and said "Wow Veiled you part the crowd like Moses parted the red sea." I looked at her and laughed and said it was her, so we put it to the test.
Picture this, a busy street where people are packed in like sardines, she was on the left of the street me on the right, on the count of 3 we walk up the street. It took me about 15 minutes to get to the end of the street and she was not even half way, her arms flapping and waving above her head, it looked like she was drowning in the sea of people.
I am not the most pretty lady in the town and I am far from the ugliest, the friend I was with was just drop dead sexy so why does this happen to me?
People tell me it is because when they see me I just ooze confidence and that gives me the "power" to get attention or the attention not to mess with me. Many male friends say I make them feel submissive, this coming from males who know nothing of the D/s world, others say "well I would move aside and I got no bloody clue why"
So why is it I can "part the sea like Moses?"


Mark said...

I don't know about parting the Red Sea but I'm sure there are a lot of males who'd be more than happy to take ten commandments from you ~ Seriously, I like the 'power' theory... It goes with the mental picture I have of you Veiled!

Veiled Secrets said...

Mark do you dare to get more then the mental picture of me?