Saturday 22 December 2007

heros and sluts

I have been thinking lately over a comment made a few days ago by a male over a business lunch, it was along the lines of how he was seeing a lady but he called her a slut because she was sleeping with more then one male, yet he is married and also has two mistress's and the other men at the lunch called him a hero a stud.
They turned to me, being the only female at the table and asked me on my thoughts, seeing one of the people at the table was also the gentleman asking why I owned such a compact car and I said I did not have to prove my penis size I answered with a grin on my face.
" I am a hero, a stud as I do not fit into the vision of this male dominated culture who by the way are/is very insecure for in your hearts you know females are superior then you and you try to limit us females by creating a social disapproval, so back to you slut, how is it with your two hero's you sleep without outside your marriage?"
Ahh there was silence at the table then the subject moved onto the weather for sometime until one brave soul asked me "Veiled, how much of a hero are you?" It was a dinner of eye opening conversation.
Why you males have to call a female a slut because she may sleep with more then one male I do not know, is it because she is not wanting you also ? I think it is a perverted way of men to have emotional superiority over a woman.
I have had my nights/days or passion and yes also sex with more then one person, I am not a slut, I just know what I want and need.


Anonymous said...

If that makes a woman a slut... Wow... I'd better order a new numberplate for the car SLUT-1

Then again: women speaking their minds are also called bitches, while men doing so are just called "strong and opinionated"... Pffttt!!

Veiled Secrets said...

You might need the numberplate SLUT-2 as I already ordered mine.
The thing is, if men really knew what we talked about over lunch they would all feel like sluts!
Call us bitches it does not really bother us, we know who is in control males are like tissues, use them, screw them up and throw them away.

Jill said...

Can I order SLUT-3 then?? I've never looked at myself as a slut even though I've been involved with more than one man at a time. I've had my (what I call..) "Hootchie Moments" but slutty? Never. Oh and yes, call me a bitch any day because truthfully, I am and that's okay.

Veiled Secrets said...

Hootchie moments, I love it.
As stated in my blog entry slut is the word/title I am finding most males put on a female, though there has been many females saying it also most of the time it is because another female is sleeping with the male she desires, it is a strange world we live in and also a very amusing one, this festive season upon us it has got more amusing which you will all red about soon ~huge smile~
So Slut-2 Slut-3 and all you other sluts and heros have a great christmas and happy new year. As I am planning on getting drunk and passing out til 2008.