Tuesday 25 December 2007

T'is the season

T'is the season to be jolly fa-lalala la la la la.
pff fuck that!
It is the season to make a fool of yourself and to sit back and wonder when there hell the last year has gone! My last year has been flushed down the toilet and it is time to get the next year in order! Yes this next year I am going to sit down and write a plan and stick to it! On the list is going to be only things I can control.
There are twelve months in a year and I am going to have things on the list that I can work on over the year but by the end of two thousand and eight I would have finished them all!
So here is the list.

1.Lose the rest of my weight and run the marathon in September
2. Get a nine til five job with no stress even if it is in a supermarket
2a, or hire someone to do most of my work, even better retire.
3. Get pregnant! (this may just be a solution also to number two be a stay at home mother)
4. Have a vacation I have not had one for over ten years, maybe to see my family as it has been well over ten years since I seen them
5. Buy a new house or apartment
6. Renovate the rest of my house
7. Make as many people as I can happy and fulfill some dreams of friends
8. At least double my stiletto collection it has to be between the one and two hundred by the end of two thousand and eight
9. Write a list of at least one hundred things to do before I die and start doing it.
10. Spend more time on my hobbies to sell for people in need
11. Remember myself and that sometimes I have to be selfish for self preservation
12. Get out more to the theater, concerts and parties.

This is the list, maybe I change it over the next few weeks though I am thinking I better start at number twelve and work my way up as many of the things will be some what hard if I am pregnant, lets see how this cookie crumbles!

1 comment:

Jill said...

I'd like to get pregnant too but last time I checked, it requires having sex so umm...guess I better cross that one off of my to do list! I think making goal lists are a great idea. I plan on doing the same thing actually. 2008 is a year of new beginnings and I'm going to get my life off to a new start!