Tuesday 27 November 2007

Not so out of reach.

How funny is life? It amuses me greatly it is the best entertainment around, More so if you know what direct your life is going and the people around you are like chickens with their heads cut off.
After my last post of BD being out of reach many things in a short amount of time chanced, Within 24 hours we had decided to go out on a date, the only time both of our agendas are free is early December. He again confessed his love his deepest feelings and desires towards me.
In this short change of things I have also found out he is an arrogant person which has made me a little upset, BD has taken credit for things that has had nothing to do with him. If it is one thing that really gets on my nerve it is people taking credit for others work, just because they are attention seekers and want a pat on the back for a job well done but to lazy to actually do the work! Needless to say I want to impregnate my stiletto up his anal canal.
My plan is to sit back and watch how things develop, see what steps he takes next. You see I am a person who can just wipe someone from my life without a second thought no matter who they are or how much I love them, For example my own mother, 13 years ago I wiped her from my life and I have no problems with it at all. I give people the benefit of the doubt but if one abuses trust over and over again it is "game over" and there is no reset button.
So BD if I mean so much to you as you have said you will pull your nose in, if not I can not wait till our date as I will rub your nose in what you can not have. It is my job to know people I have portfolio's coming out my ears no not think I have nothing on you as I do and I will use it to my advantage to make you see what you can not have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the developments in the next few weeks! ;-)